Provide the foundation on which to develop an organization. The excellent model provides a collection of best management practices for each key management area (e.g. governance, leadership, planning, customers, employees, work processes, suppliers and partners, resource management, performance measurement). These practices can be implemented at any stage of an organization’s life cycle. A start- up organization can implement the best management practices right the first time while an organization that has been operating for some time can build on their strengths and capitalize on opportunities for improvement.
Here some benefits of implementing Business Excellence module:
Research indicates that organisations with a business excellence approach obtain significant benefits. This research includes that conducted in Beyond improvement in financial result, other benefits include
- Enhanced innovation and idea generation.
- Increased customer satisfaction.
- Organisational growth .
- Increased employee satisfaction and involvement.
- Improved efficiency and effectiveness, and product reliability.
- Provide an integrated and coordinated way to drive tangible results.
- The excellent model provides a well-defined path for the excellence journey.
- Each key management area, there are practices to implement and measures that can be used to gauge progress.
- Measurement results highlight where the organization is doing well and where it needs to improve and allow for data based decision making.
- The use of excellence models can reduce non value activity by ensuring that all activity in the organization is aligned with the vision and mission and by investing in prevention and appraisal activities that reduce failures.
- Provide a platform for long term organizational success.
- Implemented excellent models continue to improve their performance year after year. This is largely due to the culture of excellence that has developed Organizations committed to excellence.